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Mair, John: «A disputation concerning the authority of the council over the supreme pontiff». In: Conciliarism and Papalism, J. H. Burns and Thomas M. Izbicki. (0), 285-313 |
» keywords
Theology |
Oakley, Francis: «Almain and Major. Conciliar Theory on the Eve of the Reformation». In: The American Historical Review 70. (1965), 673-690» JSTOR |
» keywords
Jacques Almain |
Oakley, Francis: «Figgis, Constance, and the Divies of Paris». In: The American Historical Review vol. 75. N. 2. (Dec. 1969). (1969), John Major: 372, 373, 380, 383 |
Oakley, Francis: «Natural Law, the Corpus Mysticum, and Consent in Conciliar Thought from John of Paris to Matthias Ugonius. ». In: Speculum 54, 4 (1981). (1981), John Major: 790, 792-96, 805 |
Oakley, Francis: «‘Anxieties of Influence’. Skinner, Figgis, Conciliarism and Early Modern Constitutionalism». In: Past & Present 151. (1996), 60-110» JSTOR |