In secundum sententiarum (Paris 1510)

Title datas

Full title: In secundum sententiarum
Location: Paris Year: 1510 Printers: Jodocus Badius (Ascensius)
Jean Petit
Standardized: In secundum sententiarum
In sententias


Other editions: Editio secunda Johannis Majoris,... In secundum librum Sententiarum, n... (1519)
Keywords: theology


Online: » Valencia
» Augsburg
» Google
Libraries: Freiburg, UB, N 136
Paris, BNF, D-76 (2)
St. Andrews, UL, TypFP.B10BM
Valencia, BU, BH Z-02/190


Notes: The online-copy from Valencia contains book I as well; you have to scroll to page 271 to get to book two.